Monday, December 13, 2010

Mind Your Own Business

I did not show up for work, is it your business to care? who do you think you are to scold me? you're just a reporter more senior than me by 2 months. Thats all.
I did not show up for work, is it your business to care? who do you think you are to ask questions about me? you're just an OLD reporter in the same department.

You both are not the boss of me.
Dont come scolding me then after that say you're only telling me this because I'm your friend. WTF.
Dont go around asking other interns whether I come from a rich family. WTF does that have to do with me not showing up for work?

If I do get scolding, it should be from the pissed off editors and not you. You are just a reporter, you have no rights over me.
Use your brain please. If I was that rich, would I be sitting in some crappy office on some crappy chair without my desk and my computer? If I was rich, shouldnt I be in MY OWN room with my own com in my family's company? Shouldnt you be working for me?

I shall get my lecture tmrw. And yes, it should be from the editors and not from you bitch. I dont want to hear you lecturing me. You're so worked up? what for? I can take it with you being as a friend, but you scolding me? what rights do you have? like seriously.

And even if I dont fucking work, YOU CANNOT PENALIZE ME! I had not received my pay yet. So why should I work? According to Malaysian labour law, employers are to give their employees their salary by latest 6th of each month. Whats the date today? 14th. Don't say salary, even claims I had not received. Why should I work for free? I signed a contract saying that throughout my internship here, you would give me an allowance of RM450. Since you broke your part of the deal, why should I keep to my part? You should be lucky I'm not bringing this to the worker's association and file a complaint.
So what if I dont show up for work? I've finished my work last week, Seb did not give me assignments, am I suppose to sit in the office and stone there? Stare into space? or act busy like I do every single fucking day?

Eversince I've been working there, I feel like crap. I honestly do. You just insult me to the lowest level. You call me stupid over a typo error. You say I'm giving a company free advertisement when I just wrote whats on the paper. You scold me till I cry and you don't give shit. Are you human? You don't pay me, Am I suppose to eat grass now?

Its ok, I'll bear with this stupid company for another 49 days. After which, I shall leave and never return, not even if you beg me to. Even if I see any of you on the street, I wont even bother saying Hi, except to a few people like Shashi, assuming she does not scold me tmrw, Bisme, his nice, Damien, his nice too, Regina, Shalini, Karu the interns and my only source of entertainment and buddies in the office and not forgetting, Yiliang and the photodesk people. Only these people truly Sayang me. As for Pauline, I thought you were my friend until you scolded me today.

Typical nosey bitches. Typical reporters. Think they can do anything they want.

# Her blog url was jlovesb1314, now her twitter says hubby come back when brice is returning tmrw. Could it be that I'm thinking too much and everything is just a mere coincidence? Or could my worse fears return to haunt me again? I texted Brice, he did not reply. Did he not reply because his china number ran out of credit, or is it because he cant bear to tell me the truth and see me hurt? I wont know till tmrw.

Gonna prepare my battle armour for tmrw. There will be alot of swords charging towards me. My god bro says I should just listen to their lecture, say sorry, then walk off. But I swear, if those two bitches are to poke their noses into this, I would just blow up. They have no bloody rights to step into my problem. Mind you own fucking business bitches!


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