Thursday, May 28, 2009


Reader beware... You're up for a really REALLY LONG post!!! Ok so i decided to mark ALL my pictures with a logo/brand/ my trademark :p from now on, all pictures posted here in my blog will have the muffintear logo :D its kinda cute too :p Here is how it looks like :pi had to edit this stupid logo for more than 10 times coz the colour kept coming out wrong, the smaller cupcake became blue and looked so retard... so yea here it is :)

Then.... Computer graphics assignments... sigh... last week we did layers, then this week we did movie posters... basically layers is just going around with your camera and snapping pictures, combining many pictures and making something out of it.... Movie posters are somewhat similiar in a way, you get the pictures from the adobe file then start making a movie poster out of it, Mr. Low our comp graphics teacher asked us to do movie posters for LOTR (stupid movie), Final Fantasy (heart this), and Spiderman (even stupider movie =.=") he also insisted that each poster has to have a MINIMUM of 8 pictures which is so f**king hard coz its so messy.... Yes i'm using curse words coz i'm not exactly in a very good mood these few days.... This is how my retard "art" looks like....

This is the Spiderman poster........ Stupid rite... the muffin is my label, not meant to be part of the poster ya :)

The final fantasy poster <3>Although i personally hate LOTR, i adore this poster the most... simply because it doesnt look so retard :p

Then.... Last week's work...

Yes, they are my fellow twin sisters and we decided to take a family picture :p

There is still one more, the game axis layer thingy... those of u who've seen it know how it looks like :p stupid blog dont let me post that pic... si blogspot....

ok enough with the assignments and stuff... NOW... real life :p yesterday i watched angels and demons at one utama with Martin and Louis :) they were pretty stupid thru out the whole show trying to scare me :p but then when they asked me to look, i keep looking at Martin's face and smile only coz i know the scene is very disgusting... Before the movie, me, martin, louis and jessica went to sakae sushi to eat coz i was so freaking hungry... then when we reached... we order the stuff... 20 mins later only come =.=" service was so so char... the serving portions were oso small overall... so yea i concluded that sakae sushi is not very worth it unless u just plan to eat for fun or something like that... Louis took some pics at sakae sushi too, and i grabbed them :p

Ok la i admit... the sashimi here kinda fresh and oso thick so this one worth it only :p

This was the noodles i order... so kiasu wan lor... so little... sumore the soup so so so salty... if you're really hungry like i was DO NOT i repeat DO NOT order this!!!

This pic was taken by Louis... he sneakily took a pic of me =.=" and i doubt i was laughing... probably trying to act funny :p

then after sakae sushi we sent jessica off to the bus stop then martin decided to go home first coz he stayed real close then drive back to One Utama coz i assigned him as my driver for the day :p So, left me and louis. we looked at each other and did the most kiddie thing :p i looked at the long corridor then stared back at him, then said "last one to reach the bench has to buy the other chips" (in chinese) then i started running then only he got my idea and started running to, then i won so he had to buy me chips :p then we stopped by at the pet shop to look at some animals coz we had around 20 mins before the show starts.

this is the cute cute dog in the pet shop :p

then these thingys i think are called beavers... I THINK ONLY

Then meng yoe's class... our mass comm teacher... we were learning about signifiers and signified... something like that... then he decided to draw a pig... but the pig look like monkey... here it is :D
Its kinda blur but yea... its like a monkey head and piggie body :p so i decided to call it the monkey piggie :p

Thats about it la... lazy to write le :p

Thursday, May 7, 2009

its been so so so long since i updated~~~

ok so... its been like erm.. i dono how long since i updated... wait ar... lemme check my phone for pics so i know what to write about :p *checks phone*
ok found lol
below are some pics of the cute little monkey my hubby gave me... owh and btw, we're official already :p *hugs hugs my dear*

little monkey pretending to slp ^^

come lets go aerobics :p

NEXT... hmmm owh ya... Miss Jo's birthday, Jo is my advertising principles lecturer, shes fun, easy going, has a great sense of humour although lame at times, and shes abot blur, she gets trailled off very easily... nevertheless shes still a great teacher =) me, Clarissa, Jessica and Ee lin bought her cupcakes from Wondermilk just down the block... the freaking cupcakes costs rm 4.50... and its so effing small size =.=" but we still bought half a dozen for her.. at least it was better than the other group who got her two char siew paus and think it was funny =.=" i took the pic of the cupcakes too =)

Then... recently the launch of our new campus at Jaya One it was so so so cool... so high-tech... No i didnt take a pic of it :p we walked around the campus, then felt hungry, so we went into this cafe... something like Kim Gary but nicer and cheaper... this is what i ordered :p

mango ice shaving for dessert :p it was super yummy, they were so generous with the mango, but when the thing started melting, the taste went weird (sad)

Butter Cheese toast with ham and fries :p This was so so so yummy~~~ must eat this again :p *drools*
Ok... then comes family.. recently my aunt had cancer and went for operation and is now on chemo, so well yea... stuff around the house changes.. especially the food!!! suddenly, from one plate of vege become two plates of STEAM VEGE WITHOUT SALT OR OYSTER SAUCE!!! torture lor >.<>

this is the soursop... then i cut it very funny de :p

see... heart shape de soursop :p then i cut it into smaller pieces like watermelon :p

This is just a summary la... still got lots and lots of stuff :D i'll update it wait i have time :p