Thursday, May 7, 2009

its been so so so long since i updated~~~

ok so... its been like erm.. i dono how long since i updated... wait ar... lemme check my phone for pics so i know what to write about :p *checks phone*
ok found lol
below are some pics of the cute little monkey my hubby gave me... owh and btw, we're official already :p *hugs hugs my dear*

little monkey pretending to slp ^^

come lets go aerobics :p

NEXT... hmmm owh ya... Miss Jo's birthday, Jo is my advertising principles lecturer, shes fun, easy going, has a great sense of humour although lame at times, and shes abot blur, she gets trailled off very easily... nevertheless shes still a great teacher =) me, Clarissa, Jessica and Ee lin bought her cupcakes from Wondermilk just down the block... the freaking cupcakes costs rm 4.50... and its so effing small size =.=" but we still bought half a dozen for her.. at least it was better than the other group who got her two char siew paus and think it was funny =.=" i took the pic of the cupcakes too =)

Then... recently the launch of our new campus at Jaya One it was so so so cool... so high-tech... No i didnt take a pic of it :p we walked around the campus, then felt hungry, so we went into this cafe... something like Kim Gary but nicer and cheaper... this is what i ordered :p

mango ice shaving for dessert :p it was super yummy, they were so generous with the mango, but when the thing started melting, the taste went weird (sad)

Butter Cheese toast with ham and fries :p This was so so so yummy~~~ must eat this again :p *drools*
Ok... then comes family.. recently my aunt had cancer and went for operation and is now on chemo, so well yea... stuff around the house changes.. especially the food!!! suddenly, from one plate of vege become two plates of STEAM VEGE WITHOUT SALT OR OYSTER SAUCE!!! torture lor >.<>

this is the soursop... then i cut it very funny de :p

see... heart shape de soursop :p then i cut it into smaller pieces like watermelon :p

This is just a summary la... still got lots and lots of stuff :D i'll update it wait i have time :p

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