Monday, June 22, 2009

I've made up my mind

So... from now on, I'll basically blog about college life, food that i eat and taste with my mouth (duh!!) there still will be stuff about me and my hubby but not so much =) Ok... so lets start with the college life...
Things had been pretty interesting i think... theres Mr Loong, our new creative thinking lecturer... his young and all... but somehow doesnt know how to keep the class awake... he has this assignment due this friday, but its pretty ez, basically we snap 3 photos with a theme thingy then present it in class... ez 20% rite? best of all, our theme is SHOPPING!!! lol

Next... would be Ms. Jo... she extended her iPhone assignment for us, love her for this lol. She taught us how to do a storyboard then asked us to do a rough storyboard about the toothpaste darlie, ours was so cute lol... Louis came out with the drawings, clarissa and ee leen did the planing thingy... i did the presentation as usual, and Ms Jessica the beetch kept rebelling against everything and we rejected her =) serve you right lol

Then CG class, we did lotsa stuff, Corporate Identity assignment was cool lol... basically we had to design our own logo, letterhead, envelop, memo pad, name cards front and back. I named my brand Shoe Haven, it has a dark pink coloured high heel shoe and the word Shoe Haven is beneath it together with the tagline " Shoes are ALL that matters" =p if i manage to save it in jpeg format, i'll post the pic :p other than that... would be the latest and newly arrived computer graphics FINAL assignment... i so hate it now... my idea got rejected, he said it was good but not enough elements... in other words, his rejecting it in a polite way =.="

Ok... let me see what else... owh ya... the stupid beetch made me pissed on friday... we needed to form a group of 3 ppl then i wanted to go with Ee Leen and clarissa... she quickly put her hand up and then she was with them and i was left alone... i was like wtf... dammit... i nearly got stuck with micheal and suren the two WORST students in the class.. come and go as they like, lame like hell... just because they think they are old, they can ask me to do everything and yet they will get the same credit as i do... pathetic rite?

Then... comes my fav session of the day :p
On the 12th of june, me, ee leen, her hubby (jasper), clarissa, martin and yuan xiang went to have steamboat buffet for dinner in restaurant tasty pot, its at sunway, opposite the famous yuen. the pictures are as below... don get shocked by the amount we ate k :p

sitting down from right to left: Ee Leen, Clarissa, ME!!!
standing from right to left: Jasper, Yuan Xiang, Martin

We came... We ate... We left :p

lol scary leh~~~ we started around 8 and left around 12 lol... the bill totaled up to around rm 25 per head... i was pretty surprised by the amount coz we ate alot of seafood, and its definitely value for money, i plan to bring my family here next weekend :p

Next destination.... Todays dinner at Dataran Sunway Rock Cafe... its actually a hawker center. My mum ordered a few dishes and rice from this store, the dishes were nice, the bill was quite reasonable too, it added up to rm 20++

this is the tofu we ordered, if not mistaken, its rm6, the tofu sauce was VERY nice, it has a sweet, sour and spicy aroma to it... if a definitely MUST TRY :p

The vege, this is abit overpriced in my opinion, tesco selling one bunch bigger that this by about 3 times, only rm 1.99, they price this dish as rm6... but overall its ok la

then this... my FAV dish... its fish, the sauce for the fish was SO SO SO nice... so appetizing... i couldnt stop myself from the sauce lol... spicy sweet and sour, its more spicy compared to the tofu, i loved the sauce.. this cost rm 10 only

this is the otak- otak (spicy fish fillet thingy) i ordered... pretty dissapointing... first coz its penang style, and for a penang style otak otak, its suppose to be moist, spicy, and full of fish. This however was dry, not much fish but plenty of spice... but yet still not enough flavour... The second type of otak otak is the Johor style... nowadays can rarely find nice ones unless u head all the way to Muar... love those.. those are thin slices of fish... coated with their special tradition sauce, then wrapped in a banana leaf i think then grilled to perfection i miss those alot

Then on the 16th June, my class was actually at 12 but i didnt have transport so i had to follow my aunts car out at 8... pretty stupid rite... so when i reached college it was around 8.20, i decided to go to this hawker store behind my college, theres this one stall which sells economical noodles, theres a variety of noodles to choose, from mee hoon, to kuey teow, to fried maggi (LOVE THIS!!!) you should seriously try it, i ordered a big plate of fried maggi and some fried wantan to go with it... guess the price lol, it only cost me rm 2.50!!! its dirt cheap for great food. I sat and observed awhile, she has great business, each type of noodle is refilled at least 3 times in an hour.. i ordered milo ice as my drink... the service was pretty bad when it came to drinks, the waiter took his time, and when he finally arrived with the drink, he left two dirty cups behind infront of me =.="

my plate of fried maggi... HUGE rite? lol.. i actually ate 3 mouthful before i remembered to take pic :p

my cup of milo... with the two dirty cups behind

then on the 13th of june, we went to The Chicken Rice Shop (TCRS) for dinner, the chicken was ok for me, the rice however was superb. I loved the chicken rice, its good enough to eat it on its own :p the fried chicken wings however ( i forgot the name they called it) was a bit too hard for me, their fortune rolls were ok, tasted just like spring roll, their pie tee was great, crispy, fresh, yummy. I wouldnt exactly suggest you to have a meal at tcrs without vouchers or coupons as its pretty expensive so yea.... after that we went to giant, and something funny happened, SOMEBODY pushed a trolley, SOMEBODY was busy playing around with the trolley, SOMEBODY made the wheel of the trolley roll out :p then that SOMEBODY ran and hide lol... the answer to who that SOMEBODY is, is below in the picture :p

The plate of roast chicken

The yummy rice

The chicken wings

The yummy pie tee

the fortune rolls

The trolley without the wheel

the culprit :p my bro

Culprit RUNNING~~~

Then June 5th... Me my aunt mum and my bro went to Shogun at sunway pyramid. I was pretty sad with the quality there. The first time i went there, it was great... but then i went there again... it kinda welll... its beneath my expectations la... The sashimi was ok, the escargot sucked, the spicy "lala" tasted like satay sauce =.=", the abalone (i doubt its real) tasted VERY weird, the tepenyaki needle mushroom tasted TOO salty, the tempura oyster mushroom made me feel like throwing up... AND after suffering from this meal... as if the torture wasnt enough... i had a really really bad tummy ache. As most of you know, i only get tummy ache when i eat too spicy stuff or when the food is not fresh/clean... to what i know non of the above is that spicy to cause a tummy ache for me... so yea... u know what i'm saying rite?

this one will be the dish with the lala, cheese oyster, abalone and crab (the crab sucked)

this one is the dish that had the salty stuff, the stuff that almost made me throw up and the escargots =.="

This dish among all was the most pleasant one... the sashimi and stuff

Ok... so... we're about to shift to our resort campus in Jaya One... Cant wait lol... after shifting would be our exam... then comes PROM!!! cant wait for that lol:p i'm still partner-less guys~ :p

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