Tuesday, June 23, 2009

tiring day ahead

so today i woke up at 12+ :p that always happens when i have class at 3... Then i msged awhile with my hubby then get clean and head to my third fav place of the house other than the com room and my room... the KITCHEN!!! i hunt for food... check the table, open the cover thingy... and then i saw... NO FOOD!!! knowing me... no food= sure make noise :p so i scream, then my aunt answer, then i ask got what to eat. She said the wet kitchen there got porridge on the stove... knowing my aunty... white porridge= white porridge... no taste, nothing... then i open the fridge... and i saw KFC!!! got my hot and spicy ribs sumore lol, so i put it in the microwave and heat it up then eat, then i saw the hamster my bro bought trying to escape... the hamster bite until the box got one big hole but the hamster wasnt smart enough... he bite a big hole but still sit in there dono how to escape =.=" i catch the hamster with my hand and the stupid hamster bite me, my hand bleed. i scold the hamster then throw it into a pail :p then go wash my hands. after that i bathe then pick this long skirt i liked and paired it up with a low cut spaggheti string top with a tube inside and then drive to the station.

College was ok la i guess... today is meng yoe's class... presentation skills. Melissa and Chee Ho's turn for presentation. Melly did a presentation on "fashion for everyone" and asked me to be her model lol *hearts her* but ya i rejected in the end la. then Chee Ho's topic was interesting. Not because of the topic's title but because of the title he chose to present. He did "Smoking Kills" and his a smoker =.=" so yea... after that meng yoe invited Cik Suehanna... i think thats how u spell her name, but i call her miss sue. She thought us how to play the game "rojak". basically we have to sit in a circle and one person would be standing. each of us would be given a name. Mango, Peanut, Sauce, Cucumber. When the person in the middle standing shouts out a name, eg: mango, all the mangoes will have to run and sit at another mango's chair. I'm a mango... so yea then the middle ppl decided to call out rojak. When this happens, everyone switch places. so they called rojak, and everyone started runing. i bumped into louis and my leg got hurt, then i bumped into melly and my hip got hurt, then i bumped into someone else and fell off the chair, lucky for me, not much ppl realise coz i got up quickly hehe... so now... my whole body hurts like hell =.="

after that i gues everything is pretty normal la, same like every other day. Tmrw would be tiring for me... mass comm class at 9, but i gotta go earlier, hope can reach college before 830, need to go see Mr Low with martin to let him see our CG project, then if still got time, me and him would go makan the fried noodle :p then i probably would have to teach him BM literature tmrw in class. After mass comm class would be the aunty english class. I'm skipping that class tmrw. Me, Jess and Kaze will be going to One U to do our assignment. basically we'll take pics of ppl shopping since our theme for the photography presentation is shopping :) then kaze would send me back when we're done... hope we finish it fast then we can watch transformers :p

p/s: I'm starving >.< i will go cook maggi mee now to cure my tummy :p

1 comment:

RiccLee said...

Hope u'll be happy always...