Friday, April 1, 2011

I have met my Mr. Right

Many people never seem to find the love of their lives and some others just let the chance slip through their fingers by doing something foolish. But as for me, I am blessed to have found someone who would understand me, someone who would see perfection at all my flaws, my Mr. Right.

You always see dramas saying quotes like "you'll know it if he/ she is the right one", and yes, you'll somehow know it. Don't ask me how I know he is the right one, I just do.

My Mr. Right is not tall, dark nor handsome. He is just like every other average guy living on planet Earth. The thing that differentiates him apart from the rest is how he loves me. Perhaps you could say we met by accident or you could say it was destined for us to be together. If it wasn't because of me being greedy wanting to upgrade my windows vista to windows 7 and causing maple to be unable to function on my laptop, I would not had migrate over to monster forest online and met my Mr. Right.

Not tall, average looking and average family background. Many people ask why I chose him. My answer is simple =) I feel happy when I'm with him. He makes me happy and we laugh about almost everything. When I'm angry at him, he always knows how to put a smile back on my face in less than an hour. He kisses me on the forehead before I sleep and when he wakes up. He holds and hugs me tight while comforting me when I'm afraid.

He protects me from danger's harm and always provide the support and guidance I need when I'm at my lowest. Just like my personal guardian angel. Yes, I am a girl with a temper, but he never once left when I screamed at him. Instead, he comes over and hug me, apologizing because of something small and silly.

My Mr. Right isn't good at surprises, but he tries his very best to surprise me and he is willing to go to great extents even if it means taking up his time, money and effort. He never tells me when he is broke because he does not want me to be worry. He always says I'm beautiful and cute when I'm not dolled up or looking very messy.

He wake up in the middle of the night just to cover the blanket for me making sure I don't catch a cold. He offers to piggy-bag me to the doctors when I'm not feeling well, cooks me porridge and feeds me too. When I cry, he holds me tight and wipes away my tears, reassuring me that everything will be ok.

Yes, that is what my Mr. Right is willing to do for me. That is why I chose him and not someone tall, dark, rich and handsome. Happiness isnt about money, fame, popularity or looks. It is about the little things in life that makes that moment so special.

Even though we're miles apart, you still make me feel like you're just right by my side. We understand each other's mind and thoughts by just staring into each other's eyes and smiling. Its like whispering with your eyes.

I am not afraid to tell the whole world that I love you. I want to see you at the other end as I walk down the aisle with the organ and violins playing "here comes the bride". I do not want to wake up one day regretting knowing that I was the one who let our love go. I want to set up a tree during Christmas and celebrate all my birthdays with you. Yes, I want to build a future together with you, and fill many memorable photo albums to tell the whole world what a happy couple we are.

And I'm proud to say I've found the love of my life, my Mr. Right, Low QianWen Brice. Happy 7 months anniversary. I will always love you.

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