Saturday, January 31, 2009

Many emotions combined into one

Things are just moving too quickly in so little time. Many things had happened... Things that I like... and things that i hate to do but I must do. We'll get to that later.... One thing i don't get about human these days is why do they even bother having kids when they dont even give a damn about taking care of them or teaching them? For instance, there was one kid and his dad this afternoon in our shop. The kid wanted to go to the toilet and he told his dad. The dad didnt even gave the slightest look of concern and just asked him to keep quiet and go look for books he wants. The kid kept on telling the dad he needed to go pee, but his dad just ignored. In the end, the kid peed in his pants, on the stairs =.=" As if that wasnt the best part yet, the father shouted at the kid for peeing in his pants and not telling him. I was like wth??!! your son told u at least a dozen times before he managed to pee in his pants and you didnt even give the slightest shyt to bother about him. Next, came a family with 3 sons. Among the 3, two are twins. The sons are like age 6 and the other two would be 4-5. Apparently, their mother decided to constrict them in a stroller together with the maid. Her kids were hyperactive, and i meant REALLY active. they couldnt sit still for a second without making noise, kicking and punching each other or screaming and hitting the maid. They were super noisy as they shouted and screamed like there was no tmrw. Their parents didnt give the slightest eye contact neither did they scold their children. The father just told the maid to get something from the bag, whatever it was, to stuff the kid's mouth. The mother on the other hand, scolded the maid for not keeping them quiet. Judging from the way they dressed and the way the twins acted, i concluded the twins as spoiled brats. The twin devils threw tantrums at the maid. They hit her, kick her scold her. Me and my colleagues were staring at them. One of my colleagues said that "the mother know how to give birth to children but dono how to teach them" (in cantonese). Being rich and all doesnt mean you dont have to take responsibility over your children's actions. You still have to teach your own children manners. I mean, if you dont plan to teach or care about your own child, then why the heck bother having them? They'll just probably end up making a fool out of themselves. Besides this.. there was something else in my mind... something that made me sad for a few days. Something that i know its not going to happen but somehow forced myself to believe it will... even though i know it wont... If only you knew how I felt... If only... Sometimes i just blame myself for being stupid to fall for you... Sometimes i blame myself for being borned 10 years late... Other times... i just wondered what if i'm not 18 but 28? what if i didnt stay in kl? what if you know the amount of tears i shed each day? what if you knew the amount of pain i'm suffering from every night? would it change anything?... Sometimes i just hide myself from you because it wouldnt do any help... it will just make you more stressed out and frustrated... just let me be... i'm just so... screwed up...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Strawberry Flavoured Biscuit Sticks

The day started of with a bang… and I meant it literally. I ended up in the hospital with cuts and scratches from an accident. Its not all that serious and stuff but things went a little complicated because I was anaemic... Let’s not go there shall we? So, I decided to check out of the hospital early since there was nothing to do and I wasn’t really hurt... that badly, and I hated the certain smell that hospitals have. I got to work by cab. As I stepped in, my boss saw me and asked what happened to me. I told him the long grandmother story then he assigned me to sit on the chair and answer phone calls… which to me meant hell, simply because it was the simplest and most boring thing one could do. Then, while I was “busy” dreaming of princesses and castles, my colleague (Simon) came over with a pack of strawberry flavoured biscuit sticks (SFBS). I adored SFBS a lot. He cheered me up immediately with it and gave me the whole packet. I loved SFBS. Whenever I see sfbs infront of me, all my worries and sadness disappear temporarily. I munched on them slowly and chat a while with Simon. Then, after reassuring I was cheered up, he went back to his “shop patrol” duty. Simon is a nice guy and all, but his just my colleague, at the most, a friend =) My mum dropped by with my aunt to park my car at my spot so that I could drive home at night and to check on me to see if I was ok. The rest of the day went through really quick as I was busy worrying about my darling because he wasn’t replying my smses and I couldn’t get through his line. But thank god, he was ok, he didnt reply coz he was sleeping. After work, as usual, I took the ally which lead straight to my car. I nearly got a heart attack when I saw a rat, the size of a cat, run across my path. I shrieked then ran to my car… ok I’m scared of rats… so? Everyone has phobias. I stopped by at McD to buy dinner. I know I won’t have the chance to do this if my boyfriend knows because he would say its really oily and its not good for me coz I just came out from hospital >.< that’s all for now =)

To him: I’m sorry for making you worried whole night and keeping you awake for so long until your headache mutated into a fever >.< Get well soon, Debra loves you and misses you much, muacks.

The white rat and the black rat

Something funny happened at work today. We found a white toy rat looking almost alike as a real live rat. Me and a few colleagues decided to play a prank on the “vampire” (she is our supervisor and we dislike her a lot). We started off placing the white rat on her table then all of us hanged out nearby pretending to be busy just to wait for her to scream. After waiting 10 minutes, our hard “work” paid off :D She screamed and screeched at the top of her lungs. All of us laughed so hard until we had tummy aches. Then, she finally came to her senses that it was a toy rat. She cursed and scolded all of us. Obviously, none of us cared about the scolding as we were all busy laughing our heart out. She took the toy rat by the tail then put it onto one of my colleague’s desk then walked out to do some stuff. I didn’t know what was in my mind then, but I took up a permanent marker and started to colour the white rat black. It looked like a whole different rat now. Then, I put it back on her desk. Without doubt, she screamed again and all of us laughed once more. She ignored us and the black rat and asked where the white rat was. One of my colleagues told her the white rat went for a walk outside and came back with black fur. All of us laughed even harder. I personally laughed until I fell off from the chair. After the laugh, work was pretty boring again. Missed my darling very much and just kept thinking what he was doing coz he couldnt send me smses due to low battery. After work, I drove home as usual, took my dinner and had my warm bath then here I am blogging. Later tonight, I’ll be going out to meet up with a few friends to go “yum cha” then probably come home and fall flat on the bed and dream of my boyfriend *hugs*. Owh ya… Do leave some comments on the song. I know its irritating waiting for it to load, bear with it for a little while :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sunway Pyramid's Shogun

As all my close friends and relatives know, I'm a huge fan of japanese food =) I went to SP's Shogun for lunch today. I didnt expect much because of the comments I saw on the net about shogun a few days ago, but somehow still wanted to try it out. The comments said that they do not offer fresh oysters, foods arent really fresh on weekdays and it isnt value for money. All the comments they gave, are totally rubbish, crap, whatever you want to call it. Shogun was great. The variety of raw fish and other food were awesome, though I must say, sushi-wise, they didnt have as much variety as other jap restaurants such as Sakae Sushi, Genki Sushi or Sushi King, but the food was good (afterall they are partners with Saisaki Japanese Buffet, all the best jap chefs are from there). I didnt know which fella came up with the rumour saying they (shogun ppl) limit each person to one oyster. I find that statement pretty stupid as Shogun offers a Japanese buffet lunch, and everyone knows buffet means all you can eat. I had lots of raw salmon, oysters and escargot. Had some soup and lobster too lol. The stuff I ate had easily covered the amount I paid for the buffet. It is DEFINITELY value for money. I reccomend Shogun to all you jap food lovers out there, but please make reservations beforehand as they run out of tables fast because its cheap =) After Shogun, I went over to J. co to get some donuts then walked around some more. I stumbled upon this new pub/bar called Coco Banana... must go someday xD then later on, a few friends invited me to Finnegan's... they said something bout a strip party tonight lol. I turned them down anyways coz i'm "innocent" lol. Thats about it for today =)The lobsters ( pretty appetizing rite?)

Miso soup, the oyster, Crab salad and something else

the yummy escargots


The ice cream

me :P

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First blog post

tadaaa~~~ I finally took the initiative to move my lazy butt and start creating a blog to occupy my time =D afterall i do pay for internet services rite? so i'm using it to the max xD So, about my life... hmmm... there are ups and downs recently, but mostly up lol. Managed to won some extra pocket money from my cousins (hope i didnt go too hard on you guys lol), got drunked then slept like a log lol. The best part of this month? I finally got over someone AND managed to have a guy who really loves and cares for me, despite the odds, hope he isnt like the others before him *prays* Now... the downs :( things have been coming and going since like... last christmas... Those who know what i'm talking about, good for you. As for those who dont, you dont have to know :P (ok, i'm evil, so? lol)

To him: You might not notice sometimes stuff you say which you dont mean to hurt me, end up hurting me. I cant really read your mind, the answers i gave you were just lucky guesses. Nevertheless, I still love you <3

To Myself: Lets see how long this blog survives xD

To other ppl: comment all you want! Feel free to leave whenever you want too =)