Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First blog post

tadaaa~~~ I finally took the initiative to move my lazy butt and start creating a blog to occupy my time =D afterall i do pay for internet services rite? so i'm using it to the max xD So, about my life... hmmm... there are ups and downs recently, but mostly up lol. Managed to won some extra pocket money from my cousins (hope i didnt go too hard on you guys lol), got drunked then slept like a log lol. The best part of this month? I finally got over someone AND managed to have a guy who really loves and cares for me, despite the odds, hope he isnt like the others before him *prays* Now... the downs :( things have been coming and going since like... last christmas... Those who know what i'm talking about, good for you. As for those who dont, you dont have to know :P (ok, i'm evil, so? lol)

To him: You might not notice sometimes stuff you say which you dont mean to hurt me, end up hurting me. I cant really read your mind, the answers i gave you were just lucky guesses. Nevertheless, I still love you <3

To Myself: Lets see how long this blog survives xD

To other ppl: comment all you want! Feel free to leave whenever you want too =)


RiccLee said...

Owh.. JYJY ^^
Dun learnt from my blog.. Last post is somewhr.. in 2008.. LoL

Nude Kisses said...

lol... lao po only learn from lao gong de... i have a history of making blogs die oso xD