Saturday, March 21, 2009


Finally I got the time to blog lol... so this is what happened during the last few days.
19th march: I woke up early, took my bro to the lrt station to meet up with his friends to go Sunway Lagoon then i went searching around the area for kerosene and yarn... searched whole freaking morning... turned up with nothing so i gave up and smsed senior i couldnt find anything... Then, i headed home and went online to be with ricky i think then after that i started to pack for camp... pack halfway then only realised something.... my pants no pocket so where am i suppose to put my phone? think think think then i decided to wear my actual black pants with the top then save the other pretend black pants for the uniform and use the uniform pockets. That was the plan initially. then i waited.. and waited... and waited for my senior to come... 5 mins... 10 mins... one hour... one and a half hours... then i fell asleep. FINALLY he came after 2 hours =.=" but then it rained... so i decided to open the gate let him drive in... mana tau he so stupid still park outside.... ended up still have to walk in rain... then i put my stuff at the back then sat infront... all the time trying to keep myself as far from him as possible coz well... he has records of harrasing girls indirectly... but thankfully nothing happened throughout the journey. After we reached camp, we started preparing for campfire ady... then the stupid place no signal.. i walked left right center oso cant get signal... then C.mei came over and said, " ni zai zhe li yao zhao signal si yi jian hen ben de shi" i was like... true oso, then i gave up. after getting wood and stuff i headed over to the base to make the crown and sword (fake one la) its for the dubbing (dono how to spell) ceremony, its a ceremony where my u're promoted by the queen and stuff like that. so yea. Then after the members went for their jungle trekking, they came back and went for obstacle course and i headed over to go see see. then i walked alone to the canteen to check on the food since i'm in the culinary department oso. I lost my way there =.=" the place too big ady, ended up in some rural area all alone with a walkie talkie. So yea, i turned around and tried to find my way back, end up using the walkie talkie to ask haris to come get me lol. then we walked over to the canteen together to see the food. When i open the dishes, i saw this cute dish. its something like ikan bilis but waaay bigger than ikan bilis. so i asked haris what it was, he straight away said i'm city gurl =.=" he said, this one is ikan masin la, then i was like owh lol. so the food was settled and i called the committee over to the canteen to eat first coz they would be bz later. they all came and then we overheard some commitee members abusing their power to use the walkie talkies then things started to heat up. then after that was campfire then meeting. After meeting, the whole commitee planned for an emergency drill. at 0300, we started up fire and made sure there was lots of smoke and smoked the whole sleeping area to fake the whole thing. 0315, we sounded the sirens and blew all our whistles to wake all the memebers up, i blew and shake their tents lol. BUT, all of them somehow knew we were faking it so they took their own sweet time. they all assembled at the assembly ground and got scoldings. We had to made the thing look real so we made the thing sounded like there was a snake slithering around, we even sent some members to go pretend to find the snake. After that, we allowed the members to go back to their tents and sleep. By that time, 3 quarters of to committee was asleep already, except for the official ceremony department. I saw one of them almost dying already then asked her to go slp, i'll take over her shift. so yea, i did her job then stayed up the whole night to watch over the secretariat base coz apparently, everyone was asleep. someone had to stay awake just in case of anything rite :) then the next morning came. I missed you all the time...

march 20th- at 0530, i woke all the committee members up, but sadly, only 3 ppl responded =.=" then we blew the whisltles and sirens for morning call. then they assembled. we ordered them to pack up and stuff as the stupid breakfast was waaaay pass its time of delivery. then stuff went on normally. Then came the going back time... i was like shyt... same car as that senior again... sumore now he stinks =.=" then luckily, audrey asked chon kit and kok leong to go in the same car as me. although it was like 3 guys one girl, i felt much safer with them around. Then stupid senior asked me to sit infront.. i was like thinking... got two guys why u ask me to sit infront with u wor... then i was like ok nvm... nothing is gonna happen. so i got into the car, turned around to put the safety belt on... then all of a sudden, he go put is pouch on my lap! i froze there and then when i finally came to my senses, i was like err... what is this? then he said its my stuff la (like it was the most natural thing to do) then after saying that, he took off his tag and put it on my lap again... i was closing my eyes and calming myself down. the two guys behind was trying to distract him ady... then throughout the journey i didnt say much, soon i fell asleep coz i was really really tired. but i knew the boys were looking after me la. so we reached my house... just to realise nobody at home. so we ended up in school. then my aunt called and say the gate was open and the spare key is there. then my senior took me home... me, him, all alone in the car... u have no idea how scary it was... thank god on the way back, we saw two juniors, and i was like, let them come in la, they two later let ppl kidnap. he had no choice coz i quickly go press the hon lol. then i got home and my head hurt like hell, bathe and stuff, wanted to go to klcc... the momment i got to the lrt station, said hi to my friends, i fell straight and hit the ground. then my friends search my pocket for my keys, then ray carried me to my car and sent me home. (thanks ray) then i smsed my baby and we talked a little and i slept.

march 21st- I thought finally i can talk and be with my baby after so long of seperation... then... sigh... don wanna talk about it, so i slept more... then some stupid girl from dono what silly college come disturb me and say got some silly dono what ceramah... the whole time i wasnt paying attention oso... then i was like ok ok ok, put down the phone le, my aunt ask who is it, i was like looking at her, then i said, i dont know. then i walk back to my room and continue sleeping. i tossed and turned around then i noticed i was having fever. so i went get some panadol but yea... didnt work oso la... then ate dinner and came online type this blog le... muaks lao gong i miss u lots >.<

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