Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Yesterday i went around One Utama to get some gifts for someone :p walked and walked and walked then finally decided what to get. After that, i headed to a few of my usual stores to see if got discounts or sales (typical girl shopping la). stopped by at baskin robbins to get my ice cream then walked over to Forever 21. found some really cute bangle looking stuff but didnt buy them coz well... i dont know how to match them with outfits... i suck at accesorizing... then headed over to nichii, i saw the exact same pair of heels i bought last december, now the price was like slashed half. I cursed non stop lol. Next i headed over to Momoe, got myself a belt, and some other stuff i cant remember. then i went for lunch at sushi king. The standard there is like so.... compared to last time, this time was crappy. The food was sucky too... kinda regreted choosing sushi king, this one guy saw me alone then sat next to me and tried to stir up a conversation. he kinda annoyed me so i asked the waitress to change my place :D then after that i continue walking here and there, found the perfect boxes and ribbons for the presents and oso a shop that offers those name making bracelets necklace thingy (no i didnt get one for myself). Then, I went over to MPH to find the last installment of a book i'm been reading... only to know that the book is too new and they don have that book yet =.=" that girl ask me to come back in a few months time =.=" after that i walked back over to jusco coz i noticed i got jusco vouchers i havent use... so i think and think and think... dono what to buy... then i finally decided. I got some sushi for my bro, he likes sushi lol. After that i went home then bathe then went online, chat awhile with friends for suggestions, then dinner then night time i only realise i didnt actually went to MNG and Zara to browse for clothes and i totally forgot about Mini toons... i was suppose to go there to find my voodoo doll (its a fake voodoo doll la, it has lots of characters and kinda cute :p) I tried the Sunway branch but they didnt have the character i want. I used to have that character but someone took it without asking *sob sob* if i'm not mistaken, the character's name is "her-my-nee" the blue witch sitting on a broom lol... i went online, played maple awhile then i saw this cute game my bro playing... SPORE or something like that, you basically create ur own kingdom. u start off as an organism then u slowly make friends and eat other monsters lol. then i got tired and lied on my bed, thinking of all the happy memories we shared :) then think here think there, morning ady =.=" muaks lao gong <3

(the presents)

P/S: you slowly guess which present is which and what present is what la XD muaks muaks lao gong

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