Wednesday, February 25, 2009

the silver box

As you might have noticed, which i doubt... i've changed abit of my posts due to some unexplainable reasons lol... ok i've been trying to search for a silver box recently. The boxes i find in shops are silver but its slightly smaller than the size i want, i cant seem to find that silver box in that perfect size to fit that perfect present to be wrapped around in that perfect ribbon to give as a gift for that perfect you <3 night i had my favourite dutch biscuits my mum got from her client for dinner, then returned home and had shang-rilla's (dono how to spell.. don care oso lol) cheesecake for dessert, it was yummy ^^ i'm gonna go put my plan to work later when i sign out :) and owh ya... my hand still hurts like hell coz i've been writing non stop the whole day thanks to some VERY considerate ppl... love you lots baby... remember pics of your house ya ^^ muacks muacks <3 <3 <3 ai ni ^^
P.S remember to wake me up at 0930 tmrw morning k or i'll piak piak you and let u see don let u touch lol... and dont forget... you owe me one song through the phone and one song when we meet ^^ love ya <3

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