Saturday, February 28, 2009


lol ok... yesterday i tried posting but then dono why some stupid error came out and i was too lazy to retype to repost... so i shall combine yesterday and today's blog together... SO.... i was really really slacking whole day yesterday... didnt bother touching book... don even remember where i throw my book ady, as for NCO exam, that one i totally ignore the notes, stick to what i have in my brain... which is nothing lol. Slept at 3+ yesterday coz i was thinking of what someone said... "sun kei ji yin la" (in cantonese)... really really regretted T.T woke up at 5 this morning lol... wake up so early for what i oso dono... then i jumped online ran through the NCO course notes dono what the notes talking oso... try and make sense of them, then start memorizing all the rank markings... really really hate that part lol. after that, i went to the toilet throw up again, then before i know it, 630 ady. i went and bathe, wear half uniform then it only hit me that i dono where my shoes were. i panic like no one's business lol. then found my shoe, my black shoe is suppose to be black but because so long never wear it became white. I had 15 more mins before assemble time, i ran and get the shoe polish, try and paint it black, but the thing didnt wanna come out. Finally i keep squeezing and stabbing the bottle until my shoes look presentable then fly to school for exam lol. 10 mins more before exam start... still no feeling lol. I took my friend's notes, flip through... memorised my most hated phrase " The Grand Priory In the British Realm.... (forgot ady coz got 20 words... too long lol) then i sat for the exam... and i noticed something... nothing came out about that stupid prase and the stupid questions were all common sense questions =.=" some were not even NCO questions... for example... question 8, an ambulance with the siren on racing at the speed of 90 km/h and a motorcycle travelling with the 90km/h, which one is faster?... i look at the question... dono what to say =.=" after that exam, four of us headed over to Damansara Utama school to be their examminors. Again, I regret signing up to be an examminor. Going there to be their examminor is like going there to take exams... most of them come in, dono how to answer, need us to teach and stuff like that... My friend accidentally called Serenity as sanitary lol... I felt so tired and sleepy when marking their papers... but some was really really amusing... there was this one guy, the question was what is AVPU (Alert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive), the person put Alien Versus Predator United lol. I see ady i showed my superior, she asked who was the guy. When the guy came, she asked him to do 50 push ups as punishment for writing such a stupid answer... yes we're that strict... something like the army... Then i took my cpr exam... although my shoulder was hurting so badly, I managed to pass with flying colours lol... but the consequences... my bruise now getting worse lol... After that we headed back to our school, only to realise the stupid examminors... they arent exactly examminors, just there to boss ppl around only... were actually asking our members to do no common sense stuff and even scolded our members. Well you all know me rite... I'm not the type that will keep quiet and do nothing... so i asked whats going on then i shoot the two b!tchy "examminors" nicely and told them to back off on my members and stop putting wrong info into their brains, then told an officer... 3 more officers shoot them nicely oso lol. They ended up geting demoted to usherers lol. Then i didnt feel so good again so i threw up again... sigh... then we headed off to the mamak stall and eat there... didnt feel that good after drinking a drink so i threw up sumore... then after that i went home... throw up again... then after that i went to my room and slp coz i feel better lying down... then when i woke up, i noticed my nose area was wet, when i touched it, i was having nose bleed.... Me having nose bleed is a bad thing as i rarely have nose bleed and the last time i had nose bleed, i actually ended up having high fever and laid in hospital for 3 days... so i went to the kitchen, got an ice pack, and put in at my forehead then tilt down my head to let all the blood flow out coz u dont want the blood to go back in ur nose rite... then the bleeding stopped and i ate my dinner... Ahhhh cant wait... tmrw is like my last day working!!! and i kinda miss my colleagues already ><>.< i actually spent 4 times the normal amount i spend in a month... gotta start saving ady sigh... Btw... Anyone free next tuesday? Teman me go somewhere~~~ i'm super free next tuesday... need someone to teman me go somewhere instead of just staying home do nothing... watch movie, shopping whatever la... you guys know my number rite? lol... all are welcomed to call me and book me for that day ^^ (first come first serve basis hor so dont fight) lol

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