Monday, February 2, 2009

Anger Management

ok... i'm a little late tonight... was bz with some stuff. There is this one scary part of me that not much people has experienced it. This part is a really fierce and angry part of me. People who had seen it would probably say i'm a totally different person when I'm in that state. And so, today one of my colleagues experienced it for pissing me off. It started off like this, one customer chose a new arival (na) book from the shelf. The na books are all located on the shelf at the entrance of the shop. I was on shop parol duty today so i walked around and dropped by occasionally at the cash register area to see if there were any books piled up on the table. The books piled up on the table were books that customers take out from their own stack, or books that the customer wanted but were just too lazy to carry them around while searching for more books, they claim its too "heavy". I found one na book on the table and asked the cashier of the day whether it was a rejected book or a "heavy" book. The cashier said it was a reject book. Please note that I do have some personal issues with the cashier as shes slow, old, blur, cunning, flirt not stop with customers, wont help out colleagues when we need help, anyhow accuse ppl, goes to the toilet for 20 mins dono doing what inside, has her breaktime longer than our boss has his and dont know her priorities. Since she said the book was a reject, I took the book and arranged it back to its original spot. 10 mins later, the customer asked that AUNTY where his book was. She shouted at me and said "aiya, why you go put back the book? the customer wants wan la" I stared at her and yelled back really fierce. I said "the freaking book is just few steps away, shout so loud for what? you're the one who say its rejected. normally working time, your brain oso don move so fast, how come now accuse people so fast?" (the customer was a guy... she probably didnt want to lose face infront of him) ok... i admit, maybe i was a little too harsh with my words... but seriously, shes been getting on my nerves since my first day of work. She bosses everyone around. From that minute onwards, she didnt dare to ask me to help her with anything, didnt ask me to take over her shift neither did she try to accuse me of anything. and i do admit it kinda looks bad scolding someone older than me infront of a customer... but she was pushing me to my limits. Everyone knows these few days my emotions are abit off due to personal reasons but she didnt bother taking precaution, so she kinda deserved getting flaming by me in a way. She will stop at nothing to flirt with guys, especially HAWT good looking guys. Espatriates do well in her flirting list (they rich mar...) She even asked me this question before, " Debra, what happens if I become your stepmother ar? I stared at her and said, I would rather eat worms, stay with rats and bathe in poop than have you as my stepmother. Ok, i'm straightforward la... but shes blur, she wont get it anyways. There was this other time when Simon accidentally spilled her water in her bottle because it wasnt closed properly. We didnt bother telling her to see if she would notice the greatly reduced amount of water in her bottle. She took her bottle and was about to drink it, then she said, "Wah today i drink so much water" i was like =.=" the rest of my colleagues were trying really hard not to laugh. Then she noticed the water on the floor and asked Simon where the water came from. (our shop is at the second floor, whole building got 4 floors) Simon replied her and said, "the roof leaking la" Then the aunty said, "aiyo, why like that one, must ask ppl to come and fix it." All of us couldnt hold back anymore. We laughed so hard until we cried, and still she didnt know what was going on. This already shows how blur she is.
*for those of you who are blur, we're on the second floor, the roof leaking has got nothing to do with us. Only the 4th floor got problem not second floor. Thats why we all laughed.

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