Wednesday, October 21, 2009


My head these days feel so pain. No, not because I'm sick or anything. Its because of the amount of information going through these slow brain cells of mine is to great. I'm in Semester 2. And honestly speaking, I really cant cope with classes even though its just 3 subjects. I feel like I cope waaaay better when I was in Semester 1. I had 6 subjects back then but I can cope better. Although Public Relations and Sociology are two very fun subjects, I just cant seem to key anything into my brain. When the lecturer starts the class and start talking, my brain becomes dead. It just hurts like hell. I do pay attention in every single class, but I just dont get anything in my brain. The jokes and stuff, yea I do get, but it has nothing to do with the subject. Datelines for my assignments are nearing but I cant understand anything and I dont know where to begin. I've never felt so lost in school before. And honestly, my group members are well... different from the way I work. Different in a sense that they can sit there and sip on their drinks slowly until a question fires them. But yea, no doubt, they are good with ideas. They're good in a sense that they come up with something using ur idea as a base and building it up. But theres one thing I dont really like about the group. Its the timings. They dont notify you that there will be a discussion until its like 24 hours away from discussion time. This makes it hard for me to adjust my schedule sometimes. Photography assignment.... sigh.... My group members didnt exactly take my idea into consideration even though i know they've tried really hard to act as if they did. The stuff i got werent "suitable" for the shoot. The dresses, tops, accessories. Enough about that. The photoshoot proposal. I googled 75% of the stuff there and printed the thing out. The other girl in my group did 20% whereas the guy did like 5%.... Like hellow? you're like the eldest in the group and you gimme this kinda thing and ask me if can use??? I forgive you if your fashion sense is bad and stuff, but we already gave you a few pics of what kinda dresses we're using, the hair and stuff but yet you can gimme pics with OVER exaggerated hair, casual looks, clothes thats not even suppose to be our theme? Theres like a really clear line differentiating the casual look and the high class look. Its no wonder you're still single at your age. I will post some pics of our photo shoot yesterday and the previous days somewhere among the few posts today.

P/S: I'm having a major migraine now :(
P/P/S: I've quitted the dance group


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