Friday, October 2, 2009

i <3 sem 2

Ok, i take back the stuff i said in my last blog post. This class is awesome. Great classmates, great lecturers, great subjects. My current fav subject is photography <3 we have an upcoming studio portriat :D yes i know cool rite eheheh... so yea, we have to come up with our own theme, make up style, hairstyle, clothes and all that :D i know SUPER cool lol. Charleen jie came up with this idea, get a model to go nude, make her look sad, then we put fake bruises on her. so it kinda gives the impression of what aneroxic can do, thats our plan. BUT on second thought.... sure get banned. we're talking nude here =.=" so yea, i had this other idea of masquerade princess, thats to minimise our make up time :) so yea these are a few ideas. Then, facebook refuses to let me upload all my pics, its giving me a huge prob so yea, i'll post some here :) Charleen and vir had both been really nice and supporting to me <3 them both.

ok i'll upload vir and charleen's pics in my next post when blogger and facebook dont hate me so much :(

Me and Ricc finally broke up. Yea i know, wasted. but theres really nothing much I can do rite? If his heart isnt with me already, keeping him by my side wont do any of us good. Yes it hurts, but it'll heal someday. at least i hope it will O.o
As some ppl know, me and Chris (blazerush) are a couple in maple <3 his sweet and nice, caring yet blur lol but yea, his cute :) most important, he treats me nice. So thats basically it for this post :)

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